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Take the ‘Die’ Out of Diet

Take the ‘Die’ Out of Diet

How many diets have you tried?? Does it seem like each time you mark a food as forbidden it becomes that much more desirable!?!? Addictive foods, like sugar, can be even worse on your mind.

I can specifically remember trying to cut out sugar abruptly. I started dreaming about chocolate at night. I lasted a few days and I finally convinced myself a small piece won’t hurt…a whole chocolate bar later I was thinking “what just happened.”

Does that sound familiar? Today I want to share a concept that will help you in this department, along with two ways to start implementing it.

Let me first clarify that if you want to get to your ideal weight and to continue to look better as you age you want to set up a way of eating that nourishes your body.

The key to looking and feeling your best over the long term is building a healthy lifestyle not a series of depriving diets.

So now that you know you are making changes that will forever benefit your life and that will continue even after your last 5-10 pounds melt away, here’s how you start:


Instead of introducing more stress into your life about removing bad things from your diet, try to focus your efforts on adding in things you know are good for you. Each week fully concentrate on adding in that one item until you are consistently doing it, then add-in the next one.

Here’s the secret. If you are consistently adding in the good stuff, and finding a way to make each add-in an enjoyable part of your life, then the other things (“the bad things”) naturally get crowded out. 

Once you arrive at your Healthy, Sexy body image the right way and discover how good you feel, it’s a game changer. Not only do you look good, but you also FEEL GOOD. You will begin to notice that when you eat the “bad” things you used to eat often, they at least won’t be as satisfying, and they might even make you feel bad.

My top two add-ins:

8 glasses of water1) WATER 
You already know most of your body is made up of water. It is crucial for carrying nutrients to the cells and helps in eliminating toxins from the body. Not drinking enough water can cause fatigue, constipation, and digestive problems, to name a few. You could also be confusing thirst for hunger, so getting enough water could help prevent overeating.

The body needs at least 2 to 3 liters of water a day. Get those water bottles ready!!


How many greens2) GREENS
Green vegetables are a powerhouse of nutrients!! Adding something green to at least two of your meals is a great way to boost your number of vegetables and the number of nutrients you are getting.

Breakfast examples include – adding greens to your smoothie or to your eggs
Lunch options- starting with a salad
Dinner example- grilling zucchini or asparagus, or try the recipe form last week Easy Oven Roasted Brussels Sprouts

I would love to hear what you are ‘adding-in’ this week!! Please leave a comment below!!

Bonus Tip:
Remember your health consists of more than just what you eat. Some additional add-ins might be: sleep, exercise, or a girl’s night.

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Julia Nicholson is dedicated to helping women reclaim their health and life so they can live full out. She's a current NFL cheerleader, wife, and mom who has a passion for helping women achieve their greatness and live their dream.