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I’m Quitting! Five Things to Quit in the New Year!

I’m Quitting! Five Things to Quit in the New Year!

New Year’s resolution time! You may be mulling over ideas of going to the gym more often, drinking more juices, eating better overall, etc. Those are totally awesome, but sometimes we not only need to think about what we need to do but also what we need to stop doing to have a healthier and sexier life.

So, this year, we need to add quitting some things to our list of resolutions!I quit-

  1. Stop the self-hate: We all do it. Whether it’s about our body when we look at ourselves in the mirror or feeling not good enough, we talk bad about ourselves all the time. I call it our “mean girl voice.” When you start going down the rabbit hole of negativity, think of one thing you did well yesterday or one thing you like about yourself. The more we concentrate on our strengths the better our whole life becomes. 

    When you start going down the rabbit hole of negativity, think of one thing you did well yesterday and one thing you like about yourself.

  2. Stop the self-sabotage: Oh, it’s real baby! When you take on new goals, you are going to run up on limiting beliefs as you push yourself to new places and conquer some of your fears. Self-sabotage happens because it’s easier than pushing through our fears and it’s more comfortable than failing. When Self sabotage-www.JuliaNicholson.comyou set new goals and you start to feel some push back or you see some obstacles ahead, take a close look at it and realize what it is, honor your feelings, and make room to move past your fear. Real success is always on the other side of fear or failure.
  3. Quit the comparison game: With social media at everyone’s fingertips, it’s hard not to look at someone else’s highlight reel and think your life just isn’t stacking up. Remember, what you see on someone’s Instagram isn’t a reflection of an entire life. If you keep comparing yourself to what you see as someone’s perfect life, you lose out on the chance to see all the awesome things in your own life!

    If you keep comparing yourself to what you see as someone’s perfect life, you lose out on the chance to see all the awesome things in your own life!

  4. Quit the time suckers: If you are adding more fun times with your friends to your resolution list or you feel the need to be “less busy” in the new year, then really examine how you spend your time. Do you zone out and just watch whatever tv show is on, play some silly game on your phone to pass the time, mindlessly surf the internet, or sink into the black hole that is Facebook? I’m sure you could add some to the list. Cut these mindless activities out of your day and suddenly you’ll find so much free time! Enjoy it!Cut mindless activities out of your day, and find more time for things you ENJOY.-
  5. Quit worrying: This one is such a struggle and another time-sucker. We are so busy that we don’t have time to waste worrying about the what-ifs or the past. If your resolution this year is to be more present, this will help. Worrying drags us from the present into the past or the future, and it really does no good for us! In the words of Elsa, “let it go!” When you feel yourself struggling with worry, stop and take a deep breath and focus on what is happening right now. Redirect your worry to something productive!
Need more ideas for New Year’s resolutions? Check out my articles Debunking the Five Excuses that are keeping you from your skinny jeans and my book review on The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up.

What are you quitting this year? Let me know in the comments below!


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Julia Nicholson is dedicated to helping women reclaim their health and life so they can live full out. She's a current NFL cheerleader, wife, and mom who has a passion for helping women achieve their greatness and live their dream.