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Category Archives: Health

7 Ways Juicing Can Help You Lose Weight

7 Ways Juicing Can Help You Lose Weight

Unless you have been living under a rock for the last few years, you have no doubt heard about the amazingness of juicing. But did you also know that a juice elixir can also be a healthy and safe way to lose weight? When drunk in complement to an existing weight-loss plan, juicing provides a… Continue Reading

Bone Broth – What’s better than Botox?

Bone Broth – What’s better than Botox?

Let’s be honest, have you every looked into botox??? If you haven’t tried it yourself I’m sure you know someone who has. Most of my clients want to be healthy, but it’s also extremely important for them to look good. If they can get results from something that’s natural and avoid chemicals that are literally… Continue Reading

Bone Broth Recipe

Bone Broth Recipe

If you are looking for a healthy digestive system, better skin, improved metabolism, and a powerhouse of nutrients look no further than the power benefits of bone broth. Check out my favorite recipe below. Bones from 1 whole chicken (free range, organic if possible – see notes below) ** 16 cups cold filtered water (or enough… Continue Reading

9 Tips for Not Regretting your 4th of July

9 Tips for Not Regretting your 4th of July

The summer air is hot and the 4th of July brings on BBQ, friends, food, and fireworks but often it comes at the price of sabotaging your diet. While I’m all about a good party (hello I am from the South), there are a few things you can do to safeguard your wellness plan. Remember… Continue Reading

Frozen or Fresh…That is the question!

Frozen or Fresh…That is the question!

Are fresh vegetables always better? How “fresh” are frozen vegetables? Convenient, but are they nutritious, or not? There are a lot of questions out there about fresh vs. frozen. Since frozen options came available in the 1950s, they have added convenience to the nightly dinner routine with often times lower cost. With our modern day… Continue Reading

Why Detox? Plus, my detox nightmare

Why Detox? Plus, my detox nightmare

Time for spring cleaning, but while you clean your house, you should clean your body with a spring detox! Spring is the time for growth and renewal and your body is energizing itself for the busy months to come. It is the perfect time to get rid of the toxins in your body and gain… Continue Reading

Why Diets Don’t Work (and what does)

Why Diets Don’t Work (and what does)

Talking from experience, I cannot tell you how many diets, and how much money I have spent on pills and programs to lose weight, just to gain it right back on afterward. Time and time again, I was promised this ‘new me’, only to be let down shortly after the diet or program was over.… Continue Reading

Drink Yourself Skinny Detox Water

Drink Yourself Skinny Detox Water

The warm weather is coming and that means….swimsuit season is upon us. Drink yourself skinny and flatten your belly with this drink. Not only can you flush away toxicity, but you can also add vital nutrients and minerals to your water. Drink Yourself Skinny Detox Drink ½ gallon water 1 grapefruit, sliced (can substitute with… Continue Reading

Mighty Monkey Mocha

Mighty Monkey Mocha

I’m honored to be a contributor for Spoilt Magazine. They are a Nashville based magazine that “provide sanctuary for women to connect with fashion, beauty, fitness, health, and relationships in unique, thought-provoking ways…highlighting the incredible accomplishments of women who are not simply pursuing their dreams, but are also making them come true for others.” This mission… Continue Reading

Julia Nicholson is dedicated to helping women reclaim their health and life so they can live full out. She's a current NFL cheerleader, wife, and mom who has a passion for helping women achieve their greatness and live their dream.