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5 Ways to Not Embarrass Yourself at the Gym!

5 Ways to Not Embarrass Yourself at the Gym!


Way to go, you, for vowing to make healthy, sexy choices and get your sweat on!Nervous about starting at a new gym?-

Have you started going to a new gym for the new year? Holding on to a coupon for a few classes? Wanting to start at a gym again after a few years with at-home workouts? Hitting the gym can be intimidating, even if you are really excited to go! Even a small situation like wearing loose gym shorts when everyone else in your group class is in tight yoga pants can make you feel excluded and embarrassed. Preparation can really help improve your self-esteem and comfort when you start at a new gym.

Here are my five go-to ways to not embarrass yourself at the gym.

First, your wardrobe

I truly believe that a lot of our confidence going in a new situation is knowing that we are dressed appropriately. I always look up the gym where I’m going, and the website will often give you a description of what kind of clothes are appropriate, especially if it’s a specific kind of exercise. These guidelines can help you decide what to wear to fit in and feel comfortable while exercising. Also, I always do a stretch test; I stretch and bend in all different ways to make sure nothing comes out or gets exposed unexpectedly. Even Lululemon accidentally made pants that were see-through! Don’t want to give anyone a free show! Dress for success!

Research the culture of the gym

This can be as easy as an online search but definitely spend time scoping out the environment of the gym. Is it a very calming atmosphere like a yoga studio? Make sure to not talk loudly and turn off your phone. Is the gym casual with the music always bumping like a gym with a ton of machines and weights? Bring your own headphones and feel free to dress more casually. Is the gym full of serious exercisers who are completely focused like a boot camp? Make sure you are prepared to go hard and put on your game face! With a little research, you’ll know the expectations and feel prepared to fit in.

Know Your Way Around

It can be so scary to walk into a brand-new place and have no idea where anything is! It’s a great idea to stop by your new gym at a non-peak time or, if your gym is small, 15-20 minutes before class starts and get a tour. Usually someone is at a desk or an instructor is around and would love to give you a tour and show you where everything important is located. Make sure to show up early for your first class to get settled and have time to get situated.

 With a little research, you’ll know the expectations and feel prepared to fit in.

Clean up after yourself

Treat this place better than you treat your own place! You want to build good rapport with the employees and make yourself feel more connected to the place. This is a shared space, and you’re included! Politeness goes a long way at a new place! Ask about clean-up or listen closely to the instructor’s directions about clean-up. Make sure to wipe down any machines that you use and put items back where they belong. The things you learn in kindergarten can apply to the gym!

Don’t worry about other gym-goers

It’s easy when you’re the newbie to compare yourself to others, to even compare your body to others. It may feel like all eyes are on you, but everyone is there to get in their workout and aren’t likely concerned about you. Focus on making it the best sweat you can get and have fun trying something new!


What are your favorite ways to kick off a new workout goal? Comment below! Can’t wait to hear from you!

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One Response to 5 Ways to Not Embarrass Yourself at the Gym!

  1. Thank you for these great tips. I start each goal by reminding myself to be consistent. I ask for what I want and then go after it. Good stuff!


Julia Nicholson is dedicated to helping women reclaim their health and life so they can live full out. She's a current NFL cheerleader, wife, and mom who has a passion for helping women achieve their greatness and live their dream.